About us
What the LCB-Forum is
The LCB-Forum is an international group of experts in advanced biofuels covering a wide range of biomass conversion technologies, policy, sustainability, and other topics along the complete value chain.
The Forum may decide at a later stage to create working groups on policy, sustainable resources, conversion technologies and market issues.
The LCB-Forum was established during the EU-India-Field trip on 3-8 October 2022 and its aim is to create
a space where experts can meet and exchange information on recent progress on advanced biofuels, discuss on accelerating their market deployment, identify gaps in knowledge and how these can be overcome with innovation actions in the various research and demonstration projects around the world.
The Forum will meet on a regular basis and exchange information on policy development, technology and innovation progress addressing the complete value chain from new & known biomass assessment, planting/harvesting/procurment
What is the LCB Forum’s structure?
The Forum has a simple management structure consisting of a Honorary Chair and 2 Coordinators one each from India and the EU and the Members. If the Forum so decides at a later stage, it may create working groups on policy, sustainable resources, conversion technologies and market issues.
How will the LCB-Forum Operate?
The Forum will meet either online or physically, minimum twice a year and maximum 4 times a year.
The frequency is to be decided by the Coordinators in consultation with the Honorary Chair and the Members.
Secretarial, technical and administrative support
Secretarial, technical and administrative support to the Forum is provided by ETA Florence, the organisation that technical and administrative support to the 2022 EU-India-Conference on Advanced Biofuels and the EU-India-BCE Field Trip.
ETA Florence is constructing and updating a website of the Forum.
Membership in the LCB-Forum
Membership is open to interested parties from all over the world. Membership is intended to individuals only and not organizations or companies. At present, the Members of the LCB-Forum are from the EU (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain), India and Japan. Although the Forum was established based on the cooperation between EU and Indian technology developers and market actors, the Forum is inclusive and open to all technology developers and market actors working in promoting advanced biofuels globally. No member of the Forum may object to a third party joining the Forum so long as this third party is working on promoting the market deployment of advanced biofuels globally.
The founding members of the Forum are representatives from the technology developers and industry actors, however, representatives for the research community, academia and consultancy organisations are welcome so long they work on promoting the market deployment of advanced biofuels globally.
Membership fees
For the operational activities of the Forum all Members pay the same annual fee of 500 €. The annual fee is paid to ETA Florence who is responsible of managing the financial assets of the Forum. The financial assets are not to be used for any salaries or personal fees but to facilitate the operational activities of the Forum such are covering the costs of creating and maintaining the website of the Forum, organising meetings, paying for catering and venue hiring in the case of a physical meeting etc.
The Honorary Chair(s) and the Coordinators have to approve all expenses of the Forum before such payments are executed by ETA Florence. The Forum may decide to increase or decrease the annual Membership fee at a later stage.

What the LCB-Forum isn’t
The LCB-Forum is neither an association nor a closed club of companies or experts.
The LCB-Forum is not a lobbying organisation. However, the founding members of the Forum plan to take positions on key legislative developments and other policy issues/topics by issuing Position Papers and other documents for information.
Competition Law DON’Ts
DO NOT discuss the following topics in the Low Carbon Biofuels Forum meetings or activities:
- Individual company or industry prices, price changes or margins for products
- Company data on costs, production capacity, inventories, or sales
- Future business plans for the design, production, distribution or marketing of specific products
- Overhead or distribution costs, cost accounting formulae, or methods of computing costs
- Intentions to bid or not to bid
- Intentions to enter or not to enter certain markets or products
- Any matters related to actual or potential customers or suppliers
- Rates or rate policies for shipments, zone pricing, and freight
DO NOT make any agreement or take a decision to conduct the following activities:
- Fix sale or purchase prices or other terms of sale or purchase
- Restrict capacity or output
- Refrain from supplying a product or service
- Limit the quality of competition or research
- Divide markets or customers
- Exclude competing companies or blacklist specific customers or suppliers