LCBF 1st Meeting 

LCBF 1st Meeting was held online on 07 July 2023, take a look to the agenda and some presentations!


Kyriakos Maniatis, Ramakrishna YB & Paolo Corvo – Competition law.

Recognition of participants
All participants

Administrative issues, management of funds, planning of next meetings

Large-scale demo and commercial facilities, abandoned plants
Kyriakos Maniatis

ALL to contribute aiming to prepare a reliable database

Policy updates:

14:40 Update on RED III and ETS
Carlo Hamelinck, StudioGearUp

15:00 The complexity of EU Legislation
Guillame Boissonnet, CEA

15:20 India policy developments and an update on market deployment
Ramakrishna YB

2023 Field Trip
Kyriakos Maniatis

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